(practicing taking blood pressure manually)
oh, hey. guess what i did today..
I PASSED STATE TESTING. i am now a CERTIFIED Nursing Assistant - a CNA.
i am so excited! dream summer job, here i come.
cherry on top of the summer job cupcake: a letter from chris!
some pictures of his week:
You were probably expecting something prettier, right?
In his own words, "It has been a good week, but a painful one."
Tuesday he ran into a parked car. Totalled his bike. On Thursday he got into yet another bike accident (I think he borrowed a bike after wrecking his) in which he scraped up his face, ruined his new pants and got himself lots of bruises. And then , on Saturday, Chris & his companion were forced to walk home because Chris got a flat (...), and some lovely people driving past him (at 45 miles per hour, i may add) threw a slushy at him. That's right. Elder Stott got slushied. (Have you ever seen The Glee Project?) He says it was extremely painful and he now has a bruise on his stomach shaped like a cup.
things that could only happen to Elder Stott.
On the bright side, he went treasure hunting this week!
things that could only happen to Elder Stott.
On the bright side, he went treasure hunting this week!