i own a lavender scarf.
it is my favorite scarf, because i made it myself.
it took a few months and lots of patience.
patience to continue knitting line after line
and keep knitting,
even when i made a mistake.
i made a lot of mistakes...
sometimes i could track back and fix the knitting misstep, but a lot of those missteps were not easy fixes and they are now permanently etched into the rows of my favorite scarf.
my best friend, betty, and i learned to knit at the same time. she was really bad at it (haha -- she would agree with that statement), because she always restarted her piece each time she made an error. she restarted her scarf tens, if not hundreds, of times. in the end, she became frustrated and quit. she couldn't accept the flaws as a natural part of the process and it stopped her progress completely.
i finished my scarf. it is far from perfect.
yet it is my favorite scarf,
i made it with my own hands.
i worked for every stitch of that lavender scarf.
2014 has unraveled a lot differently than i expected.
[get it.. unraveled.. knitting..]
there are many knits in my life that others may look at and see as flaws.
there are many knits in my life that others do look at and see as flaws.
there are many knits in my life that are flaws.
..and that is okay.
..that is absolutely okay.