Wednesday, February 6, 2013

something new.

I am learning how to knit!

I’m working on my first piece, una bufanda. Though it is far from perfect (notice how it gets really big in the middle there), I am indeed very proud of it. 

Looking at something that you made with your own hands is a really happy feeling (no matter how ugly it is).

WHICH IS [PARTIALLY] WHY I’m starting a new apprenticeship! The lack of patients in the clinic means a lot more time and I have decided to learn something new with this newfound free time.  In the mornings I will be continuing my work as a Nursing Assistant in Patronato Municipal ( and in the afternoons I will be …..

learning how to sew from a very talented costurera named Neli in a small sewing shop in Puerto Quito, Ecuador.

& I am unbelievably excited for this opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! And so good to see your beautiful smiling face and your LONG hair! :) Miss you!


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